Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Sen. Mitch McConnell responds to CJ editorial

Sen Mitch McConnell responds to the CJ (Courier Journal) editorial:
"Of the 62 votes on cloture motions this year, half were votes where Republicans and Democrats joined together to move a bill forward. Four were party-line votes where Democrats voted to "block action on the bills." Four were unanimous, bipartisan votes. And two, from earlier this month, were Democrat filibusters of vital national security legislation: the Terrorist Surveillance Program and the McConnell-Stevens bill to fund U.S. troops in the field...." Courier Journal
from Senator McConnell:

"I also took action when liberals in Washington tried to use an energy bill to raise the price of gasoline and utility rates here in Kentucky. And when the Democrat majority in Congress tried to create a permanent, multi-billion-dollar tax hike in exchange for a one-year delay in the middle-class tax increase known as the AMT, Republicans said "no."" from Team Mitch Blog

McConnell's Filibuster of the Energy bill saves Americans billions

Mitch McConnell Filibuster of the Energy Bill saves America's Small Businesses Billions
"One of Mitch McConnell’s underreported successes this year was the victory in stripping the energy bill of tax hikes and regulatory burdens that could have been disastrous for American small businesses. The energy bill, in addition to increasing fuel efficiency standards for future automobiles, would have originally required investor owned utility companies to generate 15% of the energy they produced through renewable energy. The bill would have also increased taxes on energy companies by nearly $22 billion." from Cyberhillbilly

Legislative Victories for Republicans in 2007

Legislative Victoires for Republicans in 2007:
"Even Republicans were surprised with the outcome. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell remarked, "If we had been having this press conference last January and I had suggested that a Republican minority in Congress would be able to meet the president's top line,...." Republican legislative victories 2007
"Incidentally, according to McConnell, the only truly bipartisan piece of legislation where genuine compromise was part of the equation was ethics reform, signed into law in September. But even Democrats, who heralded the landmark reforms, took advantage of the loopholes in the bill to insert about 300 air dropped earmarks which had not been taken up by either the House or Senate on the floor or as part of a vote. ..."