Friday, July 23, 2010

McConnell gets better reviews than Bunning or Obama, cn|2 Poll shows

McConnell gets better reviews than Bunning or Obama, cn|2 Poll shows

"A majority of likely Kentucky voters approve of the job being done by U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Senate Republican leader, but aren’t as pleased with the state’s junior senator, Jim Bunning, or President Barack Obama, the cn|2 Poll shows.

McConnell fared best with an approval rating of 53.1% compared to Bunning’s 43.7%. As for Obama, a higher percentage said they strongly disapproved of his performance (42.2%) than the total of those who said they somewhat or strongly approved (40.9%).

Those numbers were part of the results of the first cn|2 Poll, a survey taken of 803 likely voters between July 19 and July 22. Braun Research — a Princeton, New Jersey-based firm – conducted the poll, which has a margin of error of 3.46 percentage points. " from CN|2 Politics