Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Trey Grayson launches radio ad

Trey Grayson launches Radio ad

from : Bluegrass Politics

"Republican Trey Grayson’s campaign for the U.S. Senate has launched its first radio ad.

The one-minute spot strikes a positive tone and stresses Grayson’s efforts to reduce government spending as Kentucky’s Secretary of State since 2003.

“I’m running for Senate to stop the wasteful spending and keep our country safe from the terrorists who want to kill us,” Grayson declares.

Grayson does not mention his key opponent in the primary, Bowling Green eye surgeon Rand Paul, who launched his first TV ad of the race last week. That spot focused on national security issues.

Grayson’s campaign manager, Nate Hodson, said the ad started Monday on “statewide conservative radio.” He declined to elaborate or to say how long will it air and its costs...." Bluegrass Politics

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